I don’t know where to start. Well, I lied to the police. If that shocks you, then you better leave. That’s the least of it.
I told them a few of fibs. Remember I said I didn’t know she was a drug dealer? Fib. And I said I only saw her in school? Fib. I also said she hadn’t been acting oddly. Half-truth. Almost anything Rach does could be classified as “strange” but recently she was acting extra, I don’t know, nervous?
I also might have mentioned something about this new creepy guy she was hanging with who, one could argue, doesn’t exist. And never has. And I kind of just made him up.
What? You think that’s more serious than “a few fibs”? I’ll tell you what fibs are, they’re lies, only posher. So that’s all it was; a few fibs.
You want to know why I said those things? Well, I guess there’s a little more I should tell you first.
As well as knowing Rach was a drug dealer I also had a vague idea she was a murderer.
And she could have known that I knew. But only ’cos I gave her some anonymous letters that could’ve given the impression I was blackmailing her. If you’re extra paranoid or something. And thought it was suspicious to mention incriminating photos and drop-off points.
Okay in one entry I’ve gone from grieving best friend to traitorous bitch. Yay!
You’re appalled, wondering how I could be so cruel to my best friend. She’s the murderer, remember?
The night she died she was at a bar. And a guy was talking about blackmail. He was saying the blackmailer usually knew the victim personally. Was often even trusted. And that’s why they aren’t suspected and often how they obtain the blackmail material in the first place.
I was sitting there spying and I watched, as they say, the penny drop. See most of the stuff I had on Rach I got from her computer. Only she and I know the password (we share it) and from a secret draw in her room which only she and I know the location of.
It was really kind of obvious. But she didn’t want to believe it, I guess. People see what they want to. Anyway, I watched the shock, disbelief, pain, anger and resignation cross her face. Then her look turned cold and she excused herself. I saw her call someone saying they had a “problem” and she thought that once they arrived and gave the details they should “take care of it”.
Yeah. And I’m the betrayer.
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